Posts Tagged ‘rehab’

Poles for Shoulder Health and Rehab

March 4, 2010

Some of you know I’ve recently been dealing with a shoulder injury (NOT caused by Nordic walking!) and trying to recover from adhesive capsulitis – otherwise known as “frozen shoulder.” Apparently this is a condition that’s fairly common among middle aged women, in which the shoulder becomes very restricted in its motion, making everyday activities painful and difficult. Left untreated the shoulder typically returns to normal after about 2 years, but that time can be reduced with therapy.

As I’ve been doing physical therapy to restore my range of motion and strength, I’ve discovered a new use for my Nordic walking poles as rehab tools. My therapist had given me exercises to do using a golf club, but of course my poles were the natural choice! Some of the exercises are ones I teach and recommend as Nordic walking warm ups, but now I value them even more for helping the shoulder achieve or maintain its function.

If you find yourself with less arm and shoulder motion, whether from injury or years of slumping over a computer, you might experiment with using your poles regularly to gently stretch and build strength. Here are a few of the exercises I’ve been doing.

Shoulders relaxed, thumb up, use pole to stretch arm up in front
Shoulders relaxed, thumb up, use pole to stretch arm out to side
With pole behind, push hands together and squeeze shoulder blades
Hook thumb in harness, pull arm up from behind

The good news is you can do these any time, like on a break at work, or while watching TV. You don’t even have to be outdoors to benefit from using your poles!